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You are an atomic mass! Essentially "light" beings!

For centuries people were told "go to the doctor" when someone was sick. It's the normal response. I'd like to take the not so normal approach to all of humanities health and wellness concerns - but before we get there - we must first start at the root.  In our previous posts we learned all about light energy and the sun, which is all relative to the electromagnetic spectrum. This is all related to us as humans. To understand this we must first take it all the way to the lowest component.  This is what brings me to the atomic structure of humans. It is wise to gain an understanding of humans as complex assemblies of atomic masses. This is the sole purpose of certain scientific fields and you don't have to be a genius to gain a basic understanding. Humans, like all matter and all living organisms, can be understood through the lens of biology and chemistry. At the most fundamental level, we are composed of atoms. More specifically, the elements that make up biolog

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