Lack of Sun!! Oh no! What can I do to supplement?

In a previous post we covered the similarities between photonic energy and sunlight. In this post I'd like to cover the fact that we statistically are seeing less sunlight on a daily, monthly, and yearly basis. 

We can walk outside and see there's more cloud coverage than what we had when I was a child which was more than 30 years ago. But let's not get caught up on me. Let's focus on the various studies and reports that have highlighted a trend of reduced sunlight exposure among populations. These studies say urban areas and individuals with sedentary lifestyles are more prone to seeing less sunlight. 

Let's get acclimated with these key statistics and findings related to this phenomenon because our bodies need sunlight: 

Decreased Outdoor Activity: A significant portion of the population spends more time indoors due to lifestyle changes, work-from-home arrangements, and increased screen time. For instance, surveys indicate that adults spend approximately 90% of their time indoors, which drastically limits their exposure to natural sunlight. Unfortunately those who are spending more time indoors are also more prone to negative health effects related to these technological devices. 

Vitamin D Deficiency Rates: According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), about 41% of adults in the United States are considered vitamin D deficient. I've even seen TikTokers rave on about their many health issues due to a lack of vitamin D. This deficiency is often linked to insufficient sun exposure, as the body synthesizes vitamin D primarily through skin contact with UVB rays from sunlight. A vitamin D deficiency can lead to:

  • Muscle pain
  • Bone pain or achiness
  • Muscle weakness
  • Sleep problems
  • Exhaustion, fatigue
  • And more!

People who live in Urban environments see less sunlight exposure due to factors such as high-rise buildings blocking direct sunlight and increased pollution levels that can obscure sunlight. Unfortunately the impact of climate change mitigation is much higher than most imagine. It would be nice to see studies going into details from that perspective. Needless-to-say, these studies have shown that people living in urban areas get up to 30% less sunlight compared to those in rural settings.

Of course seasonal changes also affect sunlight exposure. During winter months, especially in higher latitudes, individuals may experience significantly reduced UV radiation levels—sometimes by as much as 50% or more compared to summer months.

As previously mentioned, there are plenty of health Consequences to be aware of. 

Dr. Ruscio published, "Signs of a Vitamin D deficiency" going into details regarding the statistics. His findings say that more than 66% of the population are experiencing Vitamin D deficiencies. Fatigue, depression, foggy head, and muscle spasms aren't fun. But somehow they're becoming a societal norm?! 

Friends, there is an increased rate of autoimmune diseases and mood disorders such as seasonal affective disorder (SAD) among all of us. Research has indicated that regions with lower average sun exposure correlate with higher incidences of these conditions. This is why it's important to me. Having experienced a lack of Vitamin D over the last 10 years has caused me tremendous pain and my quality of life decreased dramatically. 

Oddly there are public awareness campaigns emphasizing the need to avoid sun exposure due to skin cancer risks. This has led to far too many individuals limiting their outdoor activities even further. While unnecessary fear of the sun may be the most important contributing factor to low vitamin D levels some people simply can't jump over that mental hurdle just that quick and easy. 

This is why I found a solution for you and I! Thinking there has to be a way to combat this I did some research and what I found was simply amazing!

Let's briefly cover this.

Healthy supplements are a unique way to combat these problems. However so, the best way is through sun-exposure. If you're one of the millions of hard working citizens of the world this may not be a possibility for you. I know plenty of Americans that work in the office all day. Sun-bathing simply isn't an option for them. So what can they do to combat this problem?

Firstly your diet should reflect the need to supplement. You can incorporate foods rich in Vitamin D such as:

  • Fatty Fish: Include fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, and tuna in your meals. A serving of salmon can provide up to 600 IU of vitamin D.
  • Egg Yolks: Eggs from pasture-raised chickens contain more vitamin D than those from conventionally raised chickens.
  • Mushrooms: Certain types of mushrooms (especially those exposed to UV light) can be good sources of vitamin D2.
  • Fortified Foods: Look for fortified products like milk (including plant-based alternatives), orange juice, cereals, and yogurt that have added vitamin D.

Using supplements such as Vitamin D3. 

Choose supplements containing vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), as studies suggest it is more effective at raising blood levels compared to vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol).

Using wave mats, or light therapy devices, can be an effective way to combat the effects of lack of sun exposure. These devices often use LED lights to simulate sunlight, which can help boost your mood and energy levels, and even support vitamin D production. 

People who use these amazing mats are experiencing less pain, better quality of life, better moods, energy boosts, and vitamin D production!

Yep, you heard that right. Light therapy devices can help your body synthesize this essential nutrient! 

If you would like to learn more about the amazing products that's changing people's lives. You need to click here sign up for an account and go to the "Learning Center" to learn more immediately. Listen, knock off devices are flooding the internet and shopping centers. You want to ensure you're getting the best quality for the best price and with a 5 year warranty this product line isn't one to overlook. Do your due diligence and ACT NOW

Sign up for a no obligation free account so you can learn everything you need to know about wave mat therapy

As always, it's a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new treatment, especially if you have underlying health conditions. However, looking into this product line first will enable you to speak with your qualified professional from an educated standpoint.

Have you tried using a light therapy device before? How did it work for you? We would love to hear from you. You're light is necessary in the world!


  1. Prevalence, trend, and predictor analyses of vitamin D deficiency in the US population, 2001-2018 - PubMed (
  2. 14 Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency & What You Can Do - Dr. Michael Ruscio, DC (
  3. Vitamin D Deficiency > Fact Sheets > Yale Medicine
  4. Prevalence and correlates of vitamin D deficiency in US adults - ScienceDirect
  5. Sun Protection: The Science, Tips, and Myths (
  6. NIH
  7. Vitamin D Through Sun: 9 Tips to Optimize Your Levels - Dr Steven Lin.
  8. Sun Safety Facts | Skin Cancer | CDC.
  9. Busting myths: 9 misconceptions about sunscreen and sun safety.


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